Browse Items (31 total)

Fort Lawton Designs.jpg
This image shows the drawn up site plan and location plan of Fort Lawton in Seattle, Washington. The accompanying text briefly describes the purpose of the fort and its architectural nature.

1970_03_10_Seattle Times_Indians Drum Up Support for Fort Claim.v2.PNG
An article in The Seattle Times describing peaceful Indian demonstrations at a court house to garner support for the return of the lands that Fort Lawton sat upon.

1970_03_11_Seattle TImes_Indian Picket Line.v2.JPG
An article in The Seattle Times reporting on the nonviolent protests occurring over the return of the Fort Lawton surplus lands to Indians in the City of Seattle. This article highlights comments from Indian leaders of the demonstrations and their…

1968_10_20_Seattle Times_Nisqually Fishing Confrontation.v2.JPG
An article in The Seattle Times reporting on the rift between Indians and Washington State in the regulation and exercising of fishing rights. This particular article cites confrontation at Frank's Landing, a plot of federal trust property that is a…

1970_04_09_City Collegian_Indians Raped.v2.jpg
An editorial article in the City Collegian of Seattle Community College. Article encouraging the college to commit to helping the Indian activists at Fort Lawton and to endorse the planned use by Indians of the Fort Lawton grounds.

A brochure produced by the Bureau of Indian Affairs as part of the federal relocation strategy meant to get Indians off reservations and into the cities to encourage assimilation into American society.

1977_05_18_Seattle Weekly_The Indians Arts Center That Nobody Thought Would Happen(1).v2.jpg
An article in the Seattle Weekly several years after the events of the Fort Lawton Takeover. Article describes the struggle for the Fort Lawton lands and the activities that now take place at the Daybreak Star Arts Center, the center dedicated to…

1970_03_17_Bremerton Sun_The Indian Siege of Fort Lawton.v2.jpg
An editorial article in the Bremerton Sun describing the occupation of Fort Lawton and general activism in a belittling tone. Article argues for the development of reservations rather than the turning over of Fort Lawton and is an example of the…

1984_10_15_LA Times_Indian Victory on Fishing Rights.v2.JPG
An article in the LA Times describing the contention between American Indians and non-Indian fishermen regarding fishing rights and regulation in Washington State.

1970_09_09_Seattle Times_Indian-fishing showdown.v2.JPG
An article by the Associated Press and published in The Seattle Times reporting on a shootout between the Tacoma Police Department and Puyallup Tribal fishermen in Washington State along the Puyallup River and the subsequent arrest of 60 people…
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